Tímto bych ráda otevřela novou rubriku, která se bude týkat barev v zahradě a jejich kombinací. Spolu s tvary a sezónním interestem jsou důležitou složkou vizuálního efektu zahrady. Některé kombinace vznikají zamýšleně, jiné spontánněji, všechny však mají jedno společné: příroda je mocná čarodějka. Tady jsou představeny dva příklady efektu růžové tón v tónu: měkce něžný v podobě drobnokvětého plaménku (Clematis montana 'Rubra'), proplétajícího se s filigránským tamaryškem, kde důležitou roli hraje i rozdílný tvar květů a které kvetou uprostřed jara, a sytější barvy plamenek (Phlox paniculata), kvetoucích uprostřed léta. Růžová je obecně barvou, ohledně květin, se kterou se dá v zahradě nejsnadněji a nejefektněji pracovat, žádná jiná totiž snad není zastoupena tak bohatě a rozmanitě.
I would like to start a new category with this post dedicated to colours and their combinations in a garden. They play an important role along with shapes and seasonal interest as to the visual effect of a garden. Some combinations occur planned, other more spontaneously, but all are common in this: Nature is a powerful enchantress. Two examples of tone in tone effect of pink are presented here: soft, represented by a small-flowered clematis (Clematis montana 'Rubra') mingling with filigree tamarisk, that are flowering in the middle of spring and where a different shape of flowers is important as well. The second one is a more rich pink of phlox (Phlox paniculata) flowering in the middle of summer. Pink is generally, regarding flowers, the best colour for easy and impressive landscaping, probably no other is represented so amply and variably.
I would like to start a new category with this post dedicated to colours and their combinations in a garden. They play an important role along with shapes and seasonal interest as to the visual effect of a garden. Some combinations occur planned, other more spontaneously, but all are common in this: Nature is a powerful enchantress. Two examples of tone in tone effect of pink are presented here: soft, represented by a small-flowered clematis (Clematis montana 'Rubra') mingling with filigree tamarisk, that are flowering in the middle of spring and where a different shape of flowers is important as well. The second one is a more rich pink of phlox (Phlox paniculata) flowering in the middle of summer. Pink is generally, regarding flowers, the best colour for easy and impressive landscaping, probably no other is represented so amply and variably.
That looks gorgeous. I'd love to see those in our roadsides here instead of the dull crotons that they plant! How boring! Grrr.
OdpovědětVymazatThese flowers would light up any space!