V technicistní době není s podivem, přikloní-li se mnozí z nás k přívětivějšímu ekologickému chování a najdou-li duševní klid v zahradě romantické, tradiční. Dějiny se jen opakují. Nebo v tom není potřeba hledat žádnou vědu, tenhle styl se nám prostě jen líbí. Co však v našich podmínkách tradiční zahrada znamená? Obecně snad můžeme souhlasit, že je to zahrada, vycházející z tradic venkova. Abysme si však sami mohli vytvořit podobnou půvabnou oázu a lehce přitom nesklouzli ke kýči, je prospěšné seznámit se především s její podstatou a tudíž i základními fukcemi, ke kterým byla určena.
It is not surprising in this technicistic time that some of us tend to more friendly ecological behaviour and find peace of mind through a romantic, traditional garden. History is just only repeated. Or we don´t need to seek any science in it, we just like that style. But what does such a traditional garden actually mean in our conditions? We can perhaps generally agree it is a garden originated in countryside traditions. If we want to create a similar pleasant oasis and not easily decline to a kitsch it can be useful to learn something about principle of that garden and so in this case also about basic functions it has been intended for.
It is not surprising in this technicistic time that some of us tend to more friendly ecological behaviour and find peace of mind through a romantic, traditional garden. History is just only repeated. Or we don´t need to seek any science in it, we just like that style. But what does such a traditional garden actually mean in our conditions? We can perhaps generally agree it is a garden originated in countryside traditions. If we want to create a similar pleasant oasis and not easily decline to a kitsch it can be useful to learn something about principle of that garden and so in this case also about basic functions it has been intended for.
Zahrada pro venkovany znamenala zejména jeden ze zdrojů obživy. Hlavně tady rostlo vše užitečné: ovoce, zelenina, léčivé byliny. Okrasné květinové zahrady byly přepychem, na jejich nákladnou péči nezbýval čas. Pokud se tady proto nějaké květiny vyskytovaly, nesměly nic stát a musely mít velmi nízké nároky na péči. Proto jsou i dnes základem selské zahrady trsy dlouhověkých trvalek, domácích planých květin, nenáročné letničky a dvouletky. Z dřevin byl obvyklý třeba šeřík a uprostřed dvora stával velký strom, jehož koruna vrhala potřebný stín na všechny, kdož se tu pohybovali. Koruna musela být založena vysoko, aby tu mohl projet nebo zastavit vůz. Součástí usedlosti obvykle býval také ovocný sad se včelínem.
Garden was for villagers primarily one of food sources. Everything beneficial grew there: fruits, vegetables, herbs. Ornamental flower gardens signified luxury and there was no time to care for them. If some flowers appeared they had to be gratis and low-maintenant. Hence the basis of cottage garden is also today created with bunches of long lived perennials, domestic wild flowers, low-maintenant annuals and biennials. From shrubs was usual e.g. lilac and a large tree stood in courtyard´s centre. Its crown, usefully shadowing all livings, had to be created high up to let some cart pass or stand under. Fruit orchard with beehouse was usual part of estate as well.
Garden was for villagers primarily one of food sources. Everything beneficial grew there: fruits, vegetables, herbs. Ornamental flower gardens signified luxury and there was no time to care for them. If some flowers appeared they had to be gratis and low-maintenant. Hence the basis of cottage garden is also today created with bunches of long lived perennials, domestic wild flowers, low-maintenant annuals and biennials. From shrubs was usual e.g. lilac and a large tree stood in courtyard´s centre. Its crown, usefully shadowing all livings, had to be created high up to let some cart pass or stand under. Fruit orchard with beehouse was usual part of estate as well.
Pokud se tedy chceme venkovské zahradě přiblížit, zvolíme v dnešní době zejména smíšené záhony, kde není problém mezi květinami a bylinkami udělat místo i pro trochu zeleniny, nemělo by tady chybět ani několik ovocných dřevin nebo zmíněný dominantní strom na dvoře. Nezapomeneme ani na pár rostlin v květináčích, třeba na oblíbené muškáty (druh zonale).
So, if we want to assume the cottage garden style we choose mainly mixed borders where can be also included some vegetables among flowers and herbs. There shouldn´t be missed out several fruit trees or mentioned dominant specimen in courtyard. We don´t forget about some potted plants, for example favourite geraniums (zonale species), too.
So, if we want to assume the cottage garden style we choose mainly mixed borders where can be also included some vegetables among flowers and herbs. There shouldn´t be missed out several fruit trees or mentioned dominant specimen in courtyard. We don´t forget about some potted plants, for example favourite geraniums (zonale species), too.
Tyto fotografie pochází ze zahrádky babičky mého manžela. Pěstuje na ní zejména květiny vhodné do také do vázy, zdobí totiž jimi pravidelně poslední místa odpočinku svých blízkých. Můžeme se tu namlsat ale i třeba malin, jahod nebo broskví a v záhonech se našlo místo i pro salát nebo mrkev. Zdrojem vody je tradiční pumpa.
These pics were taken in my husband´s grandma´s garden. She grows there especially flowers good also for cut, because she regularly decorates graves of her close lates with them. We can pick here e.g. raspberrries, strawberries or peaches and some place for lettuce or carrot can be found in the borders as well. Traditional pump is the watersource.
Více o konkrétních druzích květin nebo historickém vývoji venkovských zahrad někdy příště!
Your husband's grandmother's garden is beautiful; that is the way I wish mine looked. My garden is young, so it will take many years to look that pretty.