pondělí 2. února 2009

Galerie balkonových rostlin / Potted Plants Gallery: Heliotropium arborescens

Otočník stromovitý má během sezóny rád hojnou zálivku a hnojení. Voní po vanilce a může kvést také bíle.
The Garden Heliotrope, having also white flowers, is notable for its vanilla-like fragrance. Likes lots of watering and regular fertilizing during growing season.

2 komentáře:

  1. This picture makes me so envious - what a gorgeous heliotrope plant! Mine are tiny and wimpy - maybe because they are annuals here and can not survive the winters? I love the colour and their scent a summerevening!

  2. This specimen is kept overwintered in a greenhouse and is planted in a large pot.
