Může se to zdát neuvěřitelné, ale i v prosinci objevíme pár skutečných pokladů z říše rostlin.
Maybe unbelievable in our area, but a few true treasures can be discovered also in December here.
Maybe unbelievable in our area, but a few true treasures can be discovered also in December here.
Pár květů okrasné višně (Prunus subhirtella ´Autumnalis´) přetrvává ještě do zimy.
Several blooms of Ornamental Cherry (Prunus subhirtella ´Autumnalis´) last till winter.
Several blooms of Ornamental Cherry (Prunus subhirtella ´Autumnalis´) last till winter.
Vřesovec (Erica carnea) je, co se týče množství květů, nejvděčnějším zimním polokeříkem. Začíná kvést na konci vegetační sezóny, přečká i sněhovou peřinu a jeho květy vytrvají až do května. Doporučuji pořídit si v tuzemsku pěstované rostliny a i zdánlivě uhynulé exempláře nechat minimálně ještě sezónu na stanovišti. Nám většinou obrazily.
Winter heath (Erica carnea) is, regarding flowers´ amount, the most rewarding subshrublet of this time. It starts flowering at the end of the vegetation season, survives snow cap and its blooms last till May. I recommend buying plants well adapted to your conditions. If it seems they died wait minimally till the next season, they mostly sprouted again to us.
Winter heath (Erica carnea) is, regarding flowers´ amount, the most rewarding subshrublet of this time. It starts flowering at the end of the vegetation season, survives snow cap and its blooms last till May. I recommend buying plants well adapted to your conditions. If it seems they died wait minimally till the next season, they mostly sprouted again to us.
Kalina bodnanská (Viburnum bodnantense ´Dawn´) ještě navíc sladce voní.
Dawn Viburnum (Viburnum bodnantense ´Dawn´) is moreover sweetly scented.
Dawn Viburnum (Viburnum bodnantense ´Dawn´) is moreover sweetly scented.
Amazing to see that something is blooming at all - the viburnum even has a little fragrance. I hope you enjoy the Christmas holidays. I am slowly beginning to feel a little better again. I look forward reading your nice blog and articles in the new year Jana!