Tahle zahrádka není ani prvoplánově veřejná, ani zcela soukromá. Jedná se o zahradu hotelovou a mít takovou doma, asi by se nezlobil žádný z nás. Skladba rostlin působila naprosto ukázkově a byla znát i pečlivá údržba (zřejmě včetně zavlažování, i když na konci září tady nebyla nouze ani o srážky).
This garden isn´t public in its first purpose, neither absolutely private. It is the hotel garden and probably no one would be bothered to have this in his home. The plant composition looked utterly perfect and also the careful maintenance was evident (perhaps including irrigation although some showers occured at the end of September as well).
La Locanda del Cavaliere je příjemné místo kousek od Latiny s dobrým přístupem k hlavnímu městu (nachází u Pontiny, hlavní jižní spojnice do Říma).
La Locanda del Cavaliere is pleasant place near Latina with a good connection to the capital (it is positioned next to Pontina, main south road to Rome).
This garden isn´t public in its first purpose, neither absolutely private. It is the hotel garden and probably no one would be bothered to have this in his home. The plant composition looked utterly perfect and also the careful maintenance was evident (perhaps including irrigation although some showers occured at the end of September as well).
Nechybělo ani leknínové jezírko...
The water-lily pond wasn´t missing...
The water-lily pond wasn´t missing...
...nebo olivovník (vážně bych si přála mít podobnou možnost přesadit staletý strom kam by se mi hodilo a přitom se nezruinovat).
...neither the olive-tree (seriously, I would like to have the similar chance to replant hundred years old tree wherever I wished and not to go bankrupt).
...neither the olive-tree (seriously, I would like to have the similar chance to replant hundred years old tree wherever I wished and not to go bankrupt).
Neformální kvetoucí živý plot, který nepůsobí jako prvopláná bariéra, ale přitom poskytuje dostatek soukromí, je snem snad každého majitele zahrady (tady byly použity oleandry, Polygala a Callistemon).
Informal flowering hedge that doesn´t look like first-minded barrier but provides enough of privacy, this must be a dream of each garden owner (there neriums, Polygala and Callistemon were used).
Informal flowering hedge that doesn´t look like first-minded barrier but provides enough of privacy, this must be a dream of each garden owner (there neriums, Polygala and Callistemon were used).
Dramatický akcent dodává Phormium...
Phormium adds the dramatic accent....
Phormium adds the dramatic accent....
...květy zase třeba Canna...
...flowers are provided e.g. with Canna...
...flowers are provided e.g. with Canna...
...nebo v přímořských oblastech všudypřítomná Lantana.
...or Lantana omnipresent in maritime areas.
...or Lantana omnipresent in maritime areas.
Kdo by řekl, že Euryops může být tolik ozdobný hlavně svými listy! Tady ve společnosti oblíbeného Agapanthu a Plumbaga.
Who would think Euryops could be so decorative mainly with its foliage! Here in companion with favoured Agapanthus and plumbago.
Who would think Euryops could be so decorative mainly with its foliage! Here in companion with favoured Agapanthus and plumbago.
La Locanda del Cavaliere je příjemné místo kousek od Latiny s dobrým přístupem k hlavnímu městu (nachází u Pontiny, hlavní jižní spojnice do Říma).
La Locanda del Cavaliere is pleasant place near Latina with a good connection to the capital (it is positioned next to Pontina, main south road to Rome).